The #1 platform for collecting photos and videos from guests!

Don't miss any memories from your memorable event!

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What we offer

Collect photos and videos from your event in a way that's convenient for everyone

No app needed, access the upload web page via a QR code placed on guests' tables

What we offer

No limits

Our platform allows unlimited file uploads per event. We know your event is very important, and we don't want you to miss any part of it.

What we offer

No reservation needed with us

We know how stressful it is to stay ahead in booking services for your event. We are available at any time.

Discover the magic with LoveLensGallery

Start your journey with us today. Discover the magic of transforming photos and videos from your event from chaos into a beautifully organized collection that you'll cherish forever. Learn how collecting memories from guests has never been so simple!